Apple has launched the next generation iPhone 5S and a low end device 5C at its headquarters in Cupertino, California.
The new iPhone 5S powered by new Apple A7 processor and five times faster than iPhone 5. New device equipped to run 64 bit applications. While iPhone 5C comes with A6 processor.
iPhone 5S - Same look, small screen, big potential
The good: The iPhone 5S delivers an improved camera, a nifty fingerprint sensor, and a next-gen CPU and motion-tracking chip. Apple throws in the iWork app suite for free. iOS 7 adds some nice step-ups, too, including AirDrop file transfers and the Android-like Control Center.
The bad: External design is identical to that of the iPhone 5, including a 4-inch screen that looks downright tiny next to Android competitors. For now, the fingerprint sensor only works with Apple apps. The 64-bit A7 processor and M7 motion-tracking chip don't have killer apps yet. iOS 7 differences are potentially jarring for longtime iPhone users.
The bottom line: The iPhone 5S is not a required upgrade, but it's easily the fastest and most advanced Apple smartphone to date.
iPhone 5C will come with a polycarbonate shell and the option of a green, white, blue, pink, or yellow “soft-feel” silicon rubber surround.
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